Friday, February 6, 2009

Sync = Safer Driving

"A new study shows that Ford's SYNC hands-free system significantly reduces the level of distraction when drivers select a phone number or choose a song on their MP3 player compared with the same operations with hand-held cell phones and music players."

Read the whole story here.

"[R]esearchers found that distraction potential for most tasks was significantly minimized when the SYNC voice interface was used as compared to the manual-entry required for handheld devices. For example, reading a text message on a handheld phone typically took the driver's eyes off the road for 11 seconds compared to about 2 seconds when listening to the text message with SYNC's text-to-speech output. Drivers also meandered over lane lines in more than 30 percent of trials using handheld phones and music players for song, artist, and phone book contact selection, as compared to zero percent when performing those same tasks with SYNC."

Come on in to Barber Ford during our sunny February days and let Pete Shearer show you what Ford, and Sync, can do for you.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

It's not just a truck... it's your office

"A new competitor to the rugged Panasonic Toughbook laptop was introduced in Chicago—the Ford F-150. Ford unveiled an integrated, computerized office for commercial users, with more technical partners to thank than a NASCAR team. Together, Ford and this high-tech cabal have assembled a powerful suite of tools that can help manage businesses on the road. "

So says Consumer Reports in this review of the new in-dash computer system and work crew technology in the new Ford F-150 range.

Read their review, then stop worrying about the weather and come see Pete Shearer at US-31 and 8th Street in Holland. See what the world's best line of trucks can do for you.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Bringing the Ford Experience to West Michigan

The most exciting auto technology in the world is flowing from the big blue oval these days. From the amazing Sync system, to best-in-class fuel mileage, to contractor tool tracking in the new F-150, to phenomenal interior space and accommodations, all the way to the soon-to-arrive parking assist, eco-boost engines, 50 mile with no gas hybrids, and driver's seats that massage you.

And now we're going to bring you all this news in all sorts of new ways. Barber Ford will be sharing the Ford Experience in ways that meet your needs. Watch us...

Or call - 616.396.2361 - or just come in for the test drive that will change your ideas about what a car can be...

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